This year, I’m working on a number of exciting collabs and exhibitions.

Here's a peek at the pieces I'm developing with my creative friends. I'm excited to share them with you!

RPJ Ceramics | Isla Osborne

Shifting Currents

Three textured ceramic stones each cradle flowing strands of glass seaweed. This collaborative work explores the fragile connection between land and ocean in Aotearoa.

Exhibition | NZ Glassworks

Gather '25

This series of pendants explores the interplay of translucency, and surface treatments on flame-worked glass. Each piece is individually crafted on the blowtorch and either cold worked or re-fired with lustres that reflect the light and give the glass a warm, iridescent glow.

Glync | Isla Osborne


My son Toby (aka Glync) and I have teamed up for a fun little collab—he’s painted some wildly creative monster miniatures, and I’ve crafted quirky glass domes to give them the perfect home.

Fig & Honey | Isla Osborne

Jo (from Fig & Honey) and I are cooking up something amazing! She’s been foraging plants to dye her gorgeous silks, and I’m making glass beads to go with them. Think jewellery and art with a touch of nature — it's an ongoing project that I can’t wait to share!